
Forgotten Town Pt.2

A former teaching colleague of mine (it was a short lived career believe me) Joe Ryan is cutting a swathe in local politics in my hometown of Wexford. He is the breath of fresh air that the Labour Party has needed in that town for a very long time. He also blogs regularly here

His latest blog posting echoes a lot of the opinions expressed in my initial Forgotten Town posting, but he backs it up with some very frightening statistics. In short, unemployment is running at 3% of the population on a national average. Unemployment in Wexford county is 11% of population. That is shocking.

Regardless of your political hue I would encourage you to check out the latest posting on Joe's blog and see the facts for yourself. Naturally, as a Labour councillor he is giving the government parties short shrift and if you are a supporter of any of the three (soon to be two) parties in government you may find it uncomfortable reading.

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